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Comprehensive evaluation based on entropy weighted TOPSIS of the management quality of antimicrobial stewardship after application of PDCA cycle —— taking a tertiary hospital as an example

Published on Mar. 21, 2024Total Views: 1317 times Total Downloads: 514 times Download Mobile

Author: ZHANG Dengzheng JIANG Qiong ZHANG Congzi RAO Zhiwei

Affiliation: Department of Pharmacy, Xianning Central Hospital (the First Affiliated Hospital of Hubei University of Science and Technology), Xianning 437199, Hubei Province, China

Keywords: Antimicrobial stewardship Plan、do、check、act cycle Entropy weighted technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution Comprehensive evaluation

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202312135

Reference: ZHANG Dengzheng, JIANG Qiong, ZHANG Congzi, RAO Zhiwei.Comprehensive evaluation based on entropy weighted TOPSIS of the management quality of antimicrobial stewardship after application of PDCA cycle —— taking a tertiary hospital as an example[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2024, 27(2):264-271.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202312135.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To explore the strategy of constructing a scientific management system for antibiotics in a tertiary hospital, and to provide reference to strengthen the management and rational use of antibiotic.

Methods  Using PDCA management tools to build a scientifically effective antimicrobial drug management system. Evaluation of management quality of antimicrobial stewardship was constructed by 14 indicators of 5 dimensions. The entropy weight TOPSIS method was used to comprehensively evaluate and analyze the changes in various indicators after the implementation of PDCA improvement.

Results  Based on the entropy weight TOPSIS analysis, the management quality of antibiotics in 2018 was the lowest with the Ci value 0.313  5, and the management quality of antibiotics in 2022 was the highest with the Ci value 0.747 4. The evaluation of antimicrobial stewardship was divided into five dimensions: for the evaluation of antibiotics use density, the Ci value in 2017 was highest; for the evaluation of antibiotics usage rate, the Ci value in 2021 was the highest; for the evaluation of the submission rate before use of antibiotics, the Ci value in 2022 was the highest; for the evaluation of preventive medication for type I incisions, the Ci value was highest in 2022; the evaluation of the cost dimension of antibiotics for hospitalized patients showed the highest Ci value in 2022. The application of PDCA method for antibiotics management had shown an overall improvement trend.

Conclusion  Based on PDCA method, collaboration through multiple departments for antibiotics management had achieved significant results. The entropy weight TOPSIS method can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of antibiotics management, to provide reference for the direction of hospital antibiotics control and policy formulation.

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