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Survey on knowledge, attitudes and practices of safe medication of antibiotic among parents of preschool children: a cross-sectional study

Published on Apr. 12, 2024Total Views: 622 times Total Downloads: 390 times Download Mobile

Author: DAI Min 1, 2 WANG Fengwei 1 DAI Nini 1 WANG Li 1, 2

Affiliation: 1. School of Nursing, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha 410036, China 2. Department of Pediatrics, Qingdao Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qingdao 266033, Shandong Province, China

Keywords: Preschool children Parents Antibiotics Safe medication use Knowledge and practice

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202401159

Reference: DAI Min, WANG Fengwei, DAI Nini, WANG Li.Survey on knowledge, attitudes and practices of safe medication of antibiotic among parents of preschool children: a cross-sectional study[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2024, 27(3):407-414.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202401159.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To investigate the current status of parents of preschool children, and to explore the influencing factors of low knowledge and self-use of antibiotics, so as to provide a reference for further improving the use of antibiotics in preschool children.

Methods  Parents of preschool children with fever attending the Department of Pediatrics of Qingdao Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from December 2021 to June 2022 were used as study subjects. A survey was conducted using a questionnaire to analyze the current status of knowledge, belief and behavior of parents of children with fever in terms of safe medication use. Spearman's rank correlation analysis and multiple linear regression were used to explore the relationship between knowledge and attitude; Logistic regression was used to explore the influencing factors of low knowledge and self-administration of antibiotics.

Results  A total of 240 parents of preschool children were included in the survey. There was a positive correlation between knowledge and attitudes, with better attitudes being associated with higher levels of knowledge (r=0.667, P<0.001). Parents younger than 25 years of age had a lower level of knowledge about safe antibiotic use compared with parents older than 35 years of age, and advanced age was an independent protective factor for low knowledge (P<0.05). "Purchasing antibiotics without a prescription" and "receiving antibiotics on the advice of a pharmacist" were independent risk factors for self-administration of antibiotics (P<0.05).

Conclusion  Parents' knowledge of antibiotics in preschool children needs to be strengthened, and educational interventions are particularly important. In addition, public health policies that limit access to antibiotics without a prescription should be implemented.

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