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Effects of Tongshen Funao pills combined with conventional western medicine on vertigo degree, blood viscosity and serum D-dimer level in patients with posterior circulation ischemic vertigo

Published on Nov. 18, 2023Total Views: 632 times Total Downloads: 224 times Download Mobile

Author: Jin-Cai LI Qing-Jie LUO Fang-Huan LU Xue-Ling ZHAO Juan-Mei LI

Affiliation: Department of Encephalopathy, Handan Mingren Hospital, Handan 056001, Hebei Province, China

Keywords: Tongshen Funao pills Posterior circulation ischemic vertigo Degree of vertigo Blood viscosity D-dimer

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202201370

Reference: Jin-Cai LI, Qing-Jie LUO, Fang-Huan LU, Xue-Ling ZHAO, Juan-Mei LI.Effects of Tongshen Funao pills combined with conventional western medicine on vertigo degree, blood viscosity and serum D-dimer level in patients with posterior circulation ischemic vertigo[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2023, 26(10):97-103.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202201370.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To observe the effects of Tongshen Funao pills combined with conventional western medicine on vertigo degree, blood viscosity and serum D-dimer level in patients with posterior circulation ischemic vertigo (PCIV).

Methods  The patients with PCIV were randomly divided into test group and control group. The control group was treated with routine western medicine, and the test group was treated with Tongshen Funao pills on the basis of the control group. After 2 weeks of treatment, the clinical efficacy and drug adverse reactions were observed. Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) symptom scores, vertigo degree [(dizziness assessment rating scale(DARS), dizziness handicap inventory(DHI)], blood viscosity (whole blood high shear viscosity, whole blood low shear viscosity, plasma viscosity) and serum D-dimer level of the two groups were compared before and after treatment.

Results   A total of 87 patients with PCIV were included, including 44 in the test group and 43 in the control group. The total effective rate of the test group was 93.18%, which was higher than that of the control group 76.74% (P<0.05). After treatment, the TCM symptom scores, DARS score, DHI score, whole blood high shear viscosity, whole blood low shear viscosity, plasma viscosity and serum D-dimer level in the two groups were all lower than those before treatment, and all indexes in the test group were lower than those in the control group (P<0.05). There were no obvious adverse reactions in both groups during treatment.

Conclusion Tongshen Funao pills combined with conventional western medicine can effectively improve the clinical efficacy of PCIV, reduce vertigo symptoms and improve hemodynamics.

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