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KAP investigation on the risk of children using traditional Chinese patent medicine of medical staff and children's parents

Published on May. 31, 2024Total Views: 1871 times Total Downloads: 572 times Download Mobile

Author: LIU Jie SONG Yuan LIU Fang SHI Xiaoxu LIU Biqing ZHANG Jianmin ZHONG Xuli

Affiliation: Department of Pharmacy, Children's Hospital Affiliated to the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, Beijing 100020, China

Keywords: Traditional Chinese patent medicine Knowledge-attitude-practice Medication risks Investigation and research Influence factors Medical staff

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202312014

Reference: LIU Jie, SONG Yuan, LIU Fang, SHI Xiaoxu, LIU Biqing, ZHANG Jianmin, ZHONG Xuli.KAP investigation on the risk of children using traditional Chinese patent medicine of medical staff and children's parents[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2024, 27(5):826-840.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202312014.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To investigate the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of medical staff and parents of children on the risk of using traditional Chinese patent medicine, analyze the similarities and differences between the two groups of people in their knowledge of traditional Chinese patent medicine, medication attitudes and medication behaviors, and analyze the influencing factors of traditional Chinese patent medicine medication risk from the perspective of "doctor-patient", so as to better guide clinical work.

Methods  From July to November 2023, the medical staff of Children's Hospital Affiliated to the Capital Institute of Pediatrics (hereinafter referred to as "our hospital") and other hospitals, as well as the parents of children who had visited our hospital and taken traditional Chinese patent medicine were taken as the subjects of the survey. The questionnaires were distributed and collected by Questionnarie Stars to analyze the KAP scores of medical staff and parents of children on the risk of children using traditional Chinese patent medicine, and the factors influencing the scores of KAP of taking traditional Chinese patent medicine were analyzed using Logistic regression analysis. And Spearman correlation analysis was used to explore the correlation among knowledge, attitude and practice.

Results  A total of 339 valid questionnaires (the effective recovery rate of 98.83%) were collected from the medical staff version of the questionnaire. The medical staff with excellent knowledge, attitude and practice scores accounted for 16.22%, 7.08% and 83.19%, respectively. A total of 336 valid questionnaires (the effective recovery rate of 98.82%) were collected from the parents' version. The parents of the children with excellent knowledge, attitude and practice scores accounted for 25.87%, 3.57% and 30.65%, respectively. Logistic regression analysis showed that different hospital locations and educational levels were important influencing factors for the KAP of medical personnel, while the age, education level, work status, occupation, and monthly income of parents were important influencing factors for their KAP (P<0.05). The Spearman correlation analysis results showed a significant positive correlation among medication knowledge, attitude, and behavior (P<0.01).

Conclusion   Medical staff and parents of children need to further improve their knowledge and attitude towards the use of traditional Chinese patent medicine. Parents need to pay special attention to standardizing drug use practice, so as to reduce the risk of children using traditional Chinese patent medicine. Physicians and pharmacists can carry out appropriate traditional Chinese patent medicine knowledge popularization and science popularization for parents of children combined with the results of this study.

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