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Influence of national volume-based procurement policy on the economy and use structure of anti-infective drugs in a hospital

Published on Jul. 02, 2024Total Views: 275 times Total Downloads: 99 times Download Mobile

Author: CHEN Ze YAO Tiao JIN Chen LI Danjiang LI Fei HU Hua

Affiliation: Department of Pharmacy, General Hospital of Central Theater Command, Wuhan 430064, China

Keywords: National volume-based procurement Anti-infective drugs Branded drug Generic drug Pharmacy administration Drug economy Use structure

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202401232

Reference: CHEN Ze, YAO Tiao, JIN Chen, LI Danjiang, LI Fei, HU Hua.Influence of national volume-based procurement policy on the economy and use structure of anti-infective drugs in a hospital[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2024, 27(6):1072-1081.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202401232.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To investigate the influence of the national volume-based procurement (NVBP) policy on the economy and use structure of anti-infective drugs in a general 3-A hospital, and to provide a reference for the standardization of clinical application management and policy implementation.

Methods  The price, defined daily doses (DDDs), average defined daily cost (DDDc), actual cost saving, substitution rate of selected drugs (SRSD) and avoidance rate of alternative drugs (ARAD) of anti-infective drugs before and after the implementation of 1-7 collection NVBP policy were analysed.

Results  The NVBP policy led to a>70% reduction in the price of 70.73% of the hospital's target drugs, 69.70% of the DDDs increased, 81.82% of the DDDc decreased and 63.64% showed the relationship of "volume increase and price decrease". The average SRSD was 84.49% in the first cycle and 95.94% in the second cycle. The average actual cost saving in the first cycle was 474 100 yuan, with an average saving rate of 407.60%, and in the second cycle was 803 100 yuan, with an average saving rate of 1 257.04%, showing an increasing trend year by year. The consumption of alternative drugs increased by 53.85% in the first cycle and 66.67% in the second cycle, with the highest annual increase of 555.63%, and the average of 74.65%.

Conclusion  After the implementation of NVBP policy, selected drugs mainly replaced unselected drugs, and the cost of anti-infection treatment was greatly reduced. However, it was necessary to strengthen the control of alternative drugs, standardize the management of clinical application, carry out clinical comprehensive evaluation of selected drugs and real world research.

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