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Study on the correlation between Xiaochengqitang pieces (decoction and granules) based on ultra high performance liquid chromatography fingerprint

Published on Feb. 08, 2024Total Views: 1397 times Total Downloads: 532 times Download Mobile

Author: CHEN Jiangping WEN Shan DENG Guihai MO Qiuyi SHI Wenting QIU Caiyue LU Yun

Affiliation: Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Formula Granule/Guangdong Yi Fang Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd, Foshan 528244, Guangdong Province, China

Keywords: Xiaochengqitang pieces (decoction and granules) Ultra high performance liquid chromatography fingerprint Correlation

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202209317

Reference: CHEN Jiangping, WEN Shan, DENG Guihai, MO Qiuyi, SHI Wenting, QIU Caiyue, LU Yun.Study on the correlation between Xiaochengqitang pieces (decoction and granules) based on ultra high performance liquid chromatography fingerprint[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2024, 27(1):46-56.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202209317.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To study the correlation of an ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) fingerprint of Xiaochengqitang pieces (decoction and granules).

Methods  The UPLC method was used to establish the fingerprint of 15 batches of Xiaochengqitang pieces (decoction and granules). The correlation of the three UPLC fingerprints was evaluated by similarity analysis, pearson correlation analysis, cluster analysis (CA), principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA).

Results UPLC fingerprints of 15 batches of Xiaochengqitang pieces (decoction and granules) determined 16 common peaks, and 14 peaks were identified. The similarity of the fingerprints of the 15 batches of Xiaochengqitang pieces (decoction and granules) with the corresponding control fingerprints was greater than 0.90, and the similarity of the three control fingerprints was greater than 0.88. The results of pearson correlation analysis showed that 8 common peaks in Xiaochengqitang pieces (decoction and granules) had a very significant positive correlation. The results of CA showed that the properties of Xiaochengqitang decoction and granules were more similar. The results of PCA showed that the principal components with 4 eigenvalues greater than 1 contained 88% of the information of the original data. OPLS-DA screened 7 differential markers with variable importance projection value greater than 1.

Conclusion  The main chemical compositions of Xiaochengqitang pieces (decoction and granules) are consistent, which can provide data support for the quality control and clinical use of Xiaochengqitang compound preparation.

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