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The pharmacological care of a patient with dyslipidaemia secondary to lorlatinib treated with PCSK9 inhibitor and literature analysis of the correlation

Published on Apr. 12, 2024Total Views: 416 times Total Downloads: 634 times Download Mobile

Author: LI Yuan YAN Simin LI Li

Affiliation: Department of Pharmacy, Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, Nanjing 210000, China

Keywords: Hyperlipidemia PCSK9 inhibitor Resuvastatin Pharmaceutical care Document analysis

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202312118

Reference: LI Yuan, YAN Simin, LI Li.The pharmacological care of a patient with dyslipidaemia secondary to lorlatinib treated with PCSK9 inhibitor and literature analysis of the correlation[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2024, 27(3):529-535.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202312118.[Article in Chinese]

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A patient with lorlatinib secondary dyslipidemia was given oral resuvastatin combined with ezetimibe lipid-lowering drug treatment by the hospital outpatient doctor, and developed liver damage one month after the treatment. Clinical pharmacists evaluated in detail the treatment plans, changes in blood indicators before and after medication, and blood lipid control, searched the related literature, and considered that the patient’s liver damage was related to rosuvastatin. Clinical pharmacists suggested to discontinue rosuvastatin and switch to PCSK9 inhibitor one month later, and the doctor accepted the suggestion. After discontinuing medication for one month, the liver enzyme indicators of the patient returned to normal, and PCSK9 inhibitor was applied afterwards. Clinical pharmacists continuously monitored changes of the patient’s condition, and during a 6-month follow-up period, the blood lipid control met the standard with good tolerance. In this case, clinical pharmacists carried out medication analysis and pharmacological care of PCSK9 inhibitors applied to patients with dyslipidaemia secondary to loratini, analysed the correlation between PCSK9 and lung cancer through relevant literature sreening, observed and summarized the efficacy and safety of the drug to provide a reference for the clinical development of the scheme.

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