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Research progress in clinical application of Dendrobium officinale

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Author: LI Hongnian 1 GUO Wenxian 1 DAI Weibo 1 LIANG Qi 2, 3 MEI Quanxi 2, 3

Affiliation: 1. First Comprehensive Department, Department of Pharmacy, Zhongshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Zhongshan 528400, Guangdong Province, China 2. Department of Pharmacy, Shenzhen Bao'an Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Shenzhen 518133, Guangdong Province, China 3. Department of Pharmacy, The Seventh Clinical Medical College of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510006, China

Keywords: Dendrobium officinale Clinical application Internal medicine Surgery Gynecology Pediatrics Ophthalmology Research progress

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202403144

Reference: LI Hongnian, GUO Wenxian, DAI Weibo, LIANG Qi, MEI Quanxi.Research progress in clinical application of Dendrobium officinale[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2024, 27(8):1417-1423.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202403144.[Article in Chinese]

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Dendrobium officinale is a Chinese herbal medicine with the same origin as medicine and food, and it is commonly used in making soup and tonic diet, etc. Dendrobium officinale and its compound preparations are widely used in clinical practice. This article used keywords such as "Dendrobium officinale" and "clinical" to search for relevant literature on clinical research on Dendrobium officinale in CNKI, Wanfang, VIP, PubMed and other databases over the past 10 years. It is found that Dendrobium officinale and its compound preparations were mainly used in the treatment of internal medicine (such as chronic gastritis, diabetes, bronchitis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, etc.), surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology and other diseases, and had good clinical effects. It is a Chinese herbal medicine with the development value. This article provides a comprehensive and systematic summary and analysis of the clinical application of Dendrobium officinale, aiming to provide reference for its rational clinical application and further development and research.

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