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Practice of clinical pharmacy consultation model for evaluation and intervention of traditional Chinese medicine decoction prescriptions using "Tangye Jingfa Map"

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Author: GUO Hongye 1 LIU Nanyang 2 YANG Shouyuan 3 YU Qi 4 ZHANG Shuang 1 GUO Xiaolong 1 JIN Rui 1

Affiliation: 1. Department of Pharmacy, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100091, China 2. Department of Geriatrics, Xiyuan Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100091, China 3. Department of Pharmacy, The First People’s Hospital of Lanzhou, Lanzhou 730050, China 4. Department of Pharmacy, Beijing Haidian Hospital, Beijing 100080, China

Keywords: Fu Xing Jue Tangye Jingfa Map Pharmaceutical consultation Clinical pharmacist of Chinese medicine Prescription comment Pharmaceutical care Traditional Chinese medicine

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.2097-4922.202402007

Reference: GUO Hongye, LIU Nanyang, YANG Shouyuan, YU Qi, ZHANG Shuang, GUO Xiaolong, JIN Rui.Practice of clinical pharmacy consultation model for evaluation and intervention of traditional Chinese medicine decoction prescriptions using "Tangye Jingfa Map" [J].Yaoxue QianYan Zazhi,2024, 28(4):686-693.DOI:10.12173/j.issn.2097-4922.202402007. [Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To explore the working methods and models of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) clinical pharmacists in evaluating TCM prescriptions and intervening in TCM pharmacy in the actual work.

Methods  By providing a detailed introduction to the theoretical system of "Tangye Jingfa Map" and the evaluation and intervention work mode of TCM decoction prescriptions guided by this theory, this paper elaborated on the specific workflow and ideas of consultation work through two cases of diagnosis in Chinese medicine pharmacology societies.

Results  A relatively complete road map for TCM consultation work was constructed, with clear consultation ideas guided by this theory, which could objectively evaluate the rationality of TCM prescriptions, and accurately propose treatment plans and pharmaceutical suggestions for TCM prescriptions.

Conclusion  This consultation model provides a reference for clinical pharmacists of TCM to conduct truly in-depth and effective evaluation of TCM decoction prescriptions and pharmaceutical interventions.

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