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Anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy: a Meta- analysis

Published on May. 07, 2024Total Views: 434 times Total Downloads: 527 times Download Mobile

Author: ZHAO Yang 1, 2 WEI Qingqing 1, 2 ZHAN Xiangyu 1, 2 ZHANG Dongrui 1, 2 LIU Jia 1, 2 XUE Song 1, 2 ZHANG Yang 1, 2 DENG Jiahao 1, 2 SUI Hongyu 1, 2

Affiliation: 1. Department of Physiology, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154007, Heilongjiang Province, China 2. Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Microbiology-Immune Regulatory Network and Related Diseases, Jiamusi 154007, Heilongjiang Province, China

Keywords: Anti-inflammatory drugs Diabetic nephropathies Inflammation Systematic review Meta-analysis Glomerular filtration rate Serum creatinine Urea nitrogen

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202311059

Reference: ZHAO Yang, WEI Qingqing, ZHAN Xiangyu, ZHANG Dongrui, LIU Jia, XUE Song, ZHANG Yang, DENG Jiahao, SUI Hongyu.Anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy: a Meta- analysis[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2024, 27(4):684-696.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202311059.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To systematically review the efficacy of anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy (DN).

Methods Databases including PubMed, The Cochrane Library, EMbase, Web of Science, Scopus, Ovid, ProQuest, CBM, CNKI, WanFang Data, VIP and Duxiu data were electronically searched to collect randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of anti-inflammatory drugs for DN from inception to April 5, 2022. Two reviewers independently screened the literature, extracted data, and assessed the risk of bias of the included studies. RevMan 5.4 software were then used to perform Meta-analysis.

Results  A total of 29 literature and 26 RCTs involving 4 095 patients were included. The results of Meta- analysis showed that compared with conventional treatment, conventional treatment combined with anti- inflammatory drugs could effectively reduce urinary albumin to creatinine ratio [SMD=−0.17, 95%CI (−0.31, −0.03), P=0.02], urinary albumin excretion rate [SMD=−0.37, 95%CI (−0.56, −0.18), P=0.000 1], urinary protein excretion rate [SMD=−0.97, 95%CI (−1.29, −0.64), P=0.000  01], and glycosylated hemoglobin [SMD=−0.17, 95%CI (−0.27, −0.08), P=0.000  4], while there was no significant difference in reducing serum creatinine [SMD=−0.04, 95%CI (−0.19, 0.1), P=0.57], urea nitrogen [MD=−0.23, 95%CI (−0.50, 0.04), P=0.09] and fasting blood glucose [SMD=−0.15, 95%CI (−0.32, 0.02), P=0.08]. There was no statistically significant difference in changing glomerular filtration rate (GFR) [SMD=−0.04, 95%CI (−0.15, 0.07), P=0.47] with multiple drugs, except for a few drugs.

Conclusion Conventional treatment combined with anti-inflammatory drugs can better improve the level of proteinuria in patients with DN, but the improvement of renal function is not obvious. Due to the limitations of the number of included studies and the duration of treatment, the above conclusion needs to be verified by more high-quality studies.

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