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Application of oliceridine combined with dexmedetomidine for prophylactic analgesia in patients undergoing endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy

Published on Sep. 04, 2024Total Views: 77 times Total Downloads: 33 times Download Mobile

Author: ZHANG Kun 1 TONG Xiaoyan 1 LEI Xianming 2 CHEN Xing 1 XU Qingbo 1 HU Shaozhu 3 HE Xiaoguang 1

Affiliation: 1. Department of Anesthesiology and Surgery, Mianyang Wanjiang Eye Hospital, Mianyang 621000, Sichuan Province, China 2. Department of Ophthalmology, Mianyang Wanjiang Eye Hospital, Mianyang 621000, Sichuan Province, China 3. Eye and Nose Related Departments, Mianyang Wanjiang Eye Hospital, Mianyang 621000, Sichuan Province, China

Keywords: Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy Oxybutynin Anesthesia effect Hemodynamics Adverse reaction Dexmedetomidine

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202406080

Reference: ZHANG Kun, TONG Xiaoyan, LEI Xianming, CHEN Xing, XU Qingbo, HU Shaozhu, HE Xiaoguang.Application of Oliceridine combined with Dexmedetomidine for prophylactic analgesia in patients undergoing endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2024, 27(8):1383-1391.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202406080.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To analyze the anesthetic effect and hemodynamic impact of oxybutynin (OBI) combined with dexmedetomidine (DEX) on patients undergoing endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (En-DCR).

Methods  Patients who underwent En-DCR from February 2024 to May 2024 at Mianyang Wanjiang Eye Hospital were recruited. They were randomly divided into the DEX group (DEX administration only) and the combined group (DEX combined with OLI administration) according to the random number table method. The primary observational index in this study was the 24-h postoperative pain numerical rating scale (NRS) scores. The secondary observation indexes were heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), respiratory recovery time (SRT), extubation time (ET) and awakening time (AT), peak systolic value (PSV), end-diastolic blood flow velocity (EDV), resistance index (RI) and blood flow (BF). The occurrence of adverse events in patients during hospitalization was observed and recorded.

Results  A total of 80 patients were included in the study, with 40 in each of the DEX group and the combined group. In terms of analgesia, the NRS scores in the combined group were lower than those in the DEX group at T1 (within 0.5 h after catheter removal), T2 (4 h postoperatively), T3 (8 h postoperatively), and T4 (24 h postoperatively) (P<0.05), and the remedial analgesia rate in the combined group was significantly lower than that in the DEX group (P<0.05). Regarding anesthetic effects, HR and MAP at time points T6 (during induction of anesthesia), T7 (intraoperatively) and T8 (during resuscitation) were lower in the combined group than in the DEX group (P<0.05); and SRT, ET and AT were shorter in the combined group compared with the DEX group (P<0.05). In terms of hemodynamics, at 24 h postoperatively, PSV, EDV and BF were significantly higher in both groups compared with those before anesthesia, whereas RI was significantly lower than before anesthesia (P<0.05); PSV, EDV and BF were higher in the combined group than those in the DEX group, and RI was lower than that in the DEX group (P<0.05). Regarding adverse reactions, the incidence of adverse reactions in the combined group was significantly lower than that in the DEX group (P<0.05).

Conclusion OLI combined with DEX prophylactic analgesia for patients with En-DCR is effective, not only to reduce postoperative pain, stabilize hemodynamics, shorten the time of extubation and awakening, and reduce the incidence of adverse reactions.

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