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Community characteristics of contaminated microorganisms in 10 kinds of Chinese herbal pieces

Published on Dec. 02, 2024Total Views: 1317 times Total Downloads: 188 times Download Mobile

Author: LAN Fusheng WU Yanyan LIN Yushuang ZHENG Yuru GAO Danling

Affiliation: Fujian Institute for Food and Drug Quality Control, Fuzhou 350001, China

Keywords: Chinese herbal pieces Microbial contamination Control bacteria test Fungi Heat-resistant bacteria High-throughput sequencing Species identification Aspergillus flavus Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Staphylococcus lentus Staphylococcus warneri

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.2097-4922.202404114

Reference: LAN Fusheng, WU Yanyan, LIN Yushuang, ZHENG Yuru, GAO Danling.Community characteristics of contaminated microorganisms in 10 kinds of Chinese herbal pieces[J].Yaoxue QianYan Zazhi,2024, 28(3):406-415.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.2097-4922.202404114.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To evaluate the microbial contamination levels of 10 kinds of Chinese herbal pieces, and explore the diversity of fungi and heat-resistant bacteria.

Methods  The total aerobic microbial count (TAMC), total yeast and mould count (TYMC), total heat-resistant microbial count (THRC) and 3 types control bacteria were detected according to the microbial limit inspection method of Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2020. Besides, the community characteristics of contaminated fungi and heat-resistant bacteria on prepared slices were analysed based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and 16S ribosomal DNA (16SrDNA) high-throughput sequencing method.

Results  The TAMC of 28% (14/50) samples exceeded 106 cfu/g, the TYMC of 20% (10/50) samples exceeded 104 cfu/g, the THRC of 68% (34/50) samples were higher than 10 cfu/g, and the bile-tolerant gram-negitive bacteria were detected in 40% (20/50) of the samples. Escherichia coli were found in 2 batches of the Pogostemon cablin, but Salmonella was not found in any sample. High throughput sequencing results showed that the fungi contaminated distributed in 12 phylums, 777 genera and 1 467 species; the heat-resistant bacteria were mainly distributed in 5 phylums, 57 genera and 74 species. The decoction pieces contained Aspergillus flavus and heat-resistant pathogens such as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Staphylococcus lentus, and Staphylococcus warneri.

Conclusion  The 10 kinds of decoction pieces are generally contaminated by microorganisms, and some of them contain toxic fungi and pathogenic heat-resistant bacteria, which poses a potential risk of microbial pathogenicity for patients.

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