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Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Camrelizumab combined with Shenqi Fuzheng injection in the treatment of advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer patients

Published on Dec. 27, 2023Total Views: 537 times Total Downloads: 240 times Download Mobile

Author: Wen-Ze SUN 1 Ying-Bing ZHANG 1 Lin WANG 2

Affiliation: 1. Department of Radiation Oncology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710061, China 2. Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Shaanxi Cancer Hospital, Xi'an 710065, China

Keywords: Advanced non-squamous non-small cell cancer Camrelizumab Shenqi Fuzheng injection

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202311011

Reference: Wen-Ze SUN, Ying-Bing ZHANG, Lin WANG.Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of Camrelizumab combined with Shenqi Fuzheng injection in the treatment of advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer patients[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2023, 26(11):241-248.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202311011.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To investigate the clinical efficacy and safety of the Camrelizumab combined with Shenqi Fuzheng injection of advanced non-squamous non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Methods  Patients with advanced squamous  NSCLC diagnosed and treated in the department of medical oncology of The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University from January 2018 to January 2023 were selected as the study subjects, and all patients were treated with pemetrexed combined with carboplatin chemotherapy. On the basis of the chemotherapy regimen, patients were divided into the Camrelizumab group (treated with Carelizumab) and the Camrelizumab+SFI group (treated with Camrelizumab+SFI). The short-term and long-term efficacy were evaluated using objective response rate (ORR), disease control rate (DCR), progression free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS). Survival data were analyzed using Kaplan-Meier method. The occurrence of side effects the adverse drug reactions was evaluated according to the common terminology standard for adverse events (CTCAE 4.03).

Results  A total of 95 patients with advanced NSCLC were included in this study. Among them, 48 patients were in the Camrelizumab group, and 47 patients were in the Camrelizumab+SFI group. The ORR of advanced non-squamous NSCLC patients in the Camrelizumab+SFI group and Carolizumab group were 59.57% and 45.83%, respectively (χ2=1.799, P=0.180), with DCR of 78.72% and 58.33%, respectively (χ2=4.569, P=0.033). The median PFS (8.87 months vs. 6.30 months, P=0.001 7) and median OS (9.13 months vs. 7.73 months, P=0.037) of patients in the Camrelizumab+SFI group were significantly higher than those in the Camrelizumab group. In addition, there was no significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between two groups (P>0.05).

Conclusion  Camrelizumab combined with Shenqi Fuzheng injection can improve the disease control rate and prolong the PFS and OS of patients with advanced non-squamous NSCLC.

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