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Optimization of extraction process and antioxidant activity of total phenolic acids from Cibotii rhizoma

Published on Feb. 08, 2024Total Views: 551 times Total Downloads: 322 times Download Mobile

Author: GUO Zhongjing XU Xinjun ZHAO Zhimin YANG Depo

Affiliation: School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China

Keywords: Cibotii rhizoma Total phenolic acids Extraction process Box-Behnken design-response surface methodology Antioxidation

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202310045

Reference: GUO Zhongjing, XU Xinjun, ZHAO Zhimin, YANG Depo.GUO Zhongjing, XU Xinjun, ZHAO Zhimin, YANG Depo.Optimization of extraction process and antioxidant activity of total phenolic acids from Cibotii rhizoma[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2024, 27(1):8-16.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202310045.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To optimize the extraction process of total phenolic acids from Cibotii rhizoma using Box-Behnken design-response surface methodology and evaluate antioxidant activity of total phenolic acid in vitro.

Methods  Taking the liquid-solid ratio, ethanol concentration and extraction temperature as influencing factors, and the extraction rate of total phenolic acids as evaluation indicator, the extraction process of total phenolic acids from Cibotii rhizoma was optimized using a three-factor and three-level Box-Behnken design-response surface methodology on the basis of single factor tests. Meanwhile, the scavenging effects of total phenolic acid extract from Cibotii rhizoma on ABTS·+ and DPPH· was determined.

Results  The optimized extraction process for total phenolic acids from Cibotii rhizoma was as follows: the ethanol concentration of 55%, the extraction temperature of 88℃ and the liquid-solid ratio of 60 ∶ 1 mL/g. Under these conditions, the extraction rate could reach 8.67%. When the mass concentration of total phenolic acids extract were 2 mg/mL and 1 mg/mL, the clearance rates of ABTS·+ and DPPH· were 92.76% and 88.66%, respectively.

Conclusion  The theoretical values obtained from the response surface optimization method are consistent with the actual measured values, and the extraction process of total phenolic acids from Cibotii rhizoma was simple and feasible. The total phenolic acids extract from Cibotii rhizoma exhibit strong antioxidant activity in vitro.

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