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Quality standards of Wenjing Zhitong mixture based on network pharmacology and fingerprint

Published on Nov. 17, 2023Total Views: 666 times Total Downloads: 442 times Download Mobile

Author: Yong-Qiang TIAN Jian ZOU Yi-Sheng ZHANG Yan-Hui HUANG

Affiliation: Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Laboratory of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wuhan 430014, China

Keywords: Wenjing Zhitong mixture Network pharmacology Fingerprint Content determination Thin layer chromatography Quality standard

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202211076

Reference: Yong-Qiang TIAN, Jian ZOU, Yi-Sheng ZHANG, Yan-Hui HUANG.Quality standards of Wenjing Zhitong mixture based on network pharmacology and fingerprint[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2023, 26(10): 22-34.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202211076.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  Based on network pharmacology and fingerprint analysis, to screen the quality index components of Wenjing Zhitong mixture and establish the methods for thin layer chromatography (TLC) and content determination, which further provide the basis for evaluating the quality of Wenjing Zhitong mixture.

Methods  The network diagram of "Wenjing Zhitong mixture decoction-major active ingredients-targets" was constructed, and the main decoction pieces and ingredients for quality control were screened out. A TLC was used for qualitative analysis. An HPLC method was used to establish the fingerprint of Wenjing Zhitong mixture, which helped with figuring out the common peaks and evaluating the similarity, and the content of the confirmed components were determined.

Results  Through the network diagram of "Wenjing Zhitong mixture decoction-major active ingredients-target", Glycyrrhiza uralensis, Puhuang, Cornus wuyu, Aconitum aconitum, Rhizoma corynium and Radix paeoniae were selected as the main active ingredients. The TLC identification results of Radix paeoniae, Cornus wuyu and Rhizoma corynium showed good separation and specificity. Five common peaks were identified through fingerprint analysis, and the quality standard for the determination of the content of Wenjing Zhitong mixture was established using noriprodine, paeoniflorin, and ammonium glycyrrhetinic acid.

Conclusion  The established qualitative and quantitative methods based on TLC and HPLC are accurate, reliable and reproducible, and can be used for the quality control of Wenjing Zhitong mixture.

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