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Efficacy and safety of Xuefu Zhuyu decoction in patients with advanced cervical cancer

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Author: Min SHU 1 Zhi-Hong HAN 2 Yan HAN 3 Xing-Mei HAN 4 Yun-Xia ZHAI 1 Li LI 1 Xiao-Fei TIAN 2

Affiliation: 1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Luzhou District People's Hospital in Changzhi City, Changzhi 046011, Shanxi Province, China 2. Department of Gynecology and Oncology, Shaanxi Cancer Hospital, Xi'an 710065, China 3. Department of Gynecology , Changzhi People's Hospital, Changzhi 046099, Shanxi Province, China 4. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Changzhi Second People's Hospital, Changzhi 046000, Shanxi Province, China

Keywords: Xuefu Zhuyu decoction Advanced cervical cancer Efficacy Safety

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202310031

Reference: Min SHU, Zhi-Hong HAN, Yan HAN, Xing-Mei HAN, Yun-Xia ZHAI, Li LI, Xiao-Fei TIAN.Efficacy and safety of Xuefu Zhuyu decoction in patients with advanced cervical cancer[J].Zhongguo Yaoshi Zazhi,2023, 26(12):428-434.DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.1008-049X.202310031.[Article in Chinese]

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Objective  To explore the clinical efficacy and safety of Xuefu Zhuyu decoction as an adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with advanced cervical cancer.

Methods  This study recruited advanced cervical cancer patients who underwent TP regimen (paclitaxel+cisplatin) chemotherapy in Luzhou District People's Hospital in Changzhi City from January 2019 to January 2021. According to the random number table method, patients with advanced cervical cancer were divided into a control group (treated with TP regimen) and an test group (treated with TP regimen combined with Xuefu Zhuyu decoction). The serum tumor marker levels (carcinoembryonic antigen, squamous cell carcinoma antigen and carbohydrate antigen 125), traditional Chinese medicine syndrome scores and clinical efficacy [objective response rate, disease control rate and overall survival time] between two groups of patients were observed and compared. The occurrence of adverse drug reactions was assessed  according to the Common Terminology Standard for Adverse Events (CTCAE 4.03).

Results  A total of 92 cases of advanced cervical cancer were included in this study, with 46 cases in each group. Before treatment, there was no significant statistical difference in the serum tumor marker levels and traditional Chinese medicine syndrome scores between the control group and the test group with advanced cervical cancer (P>0.05). After treatment, the serum tumor marker levels and traditional Chinese medicine syndrome scores in the test group and the control group significantly decreased compared to before (P<0.05), and they were significantly lower in the test group than those in the control group (P<0.05). In terms of clinical efficacy, there was no significant difference in objective response rate between two groups (P>0.05), while the disease control rate and median overall survival time of the test group were significantly higher than those of the control group (P<0.05). In terms of safety, no fatal adverse events were observed, and most adverse events were mild and controllable. In addition, there was no significant difference in the incidence of nausea and vomiting, anemia, thrombocytopenia and renal dysfunction between two groups (P>0.05), while the incidence of leukopenia and liver function injury in the test group were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.05).

Conclusion  Xuefu Zhuyu decoction can significantly improve the efficacy of chemotherapy patients with advanced cervical cancer, reduce serum tumor marker expression levels, improve traditional Chinese medicine syndrome scores, increase disease control rate, prolong overall survival, and has high safety.

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