Fangji Huangqi decoction is a combination of Fangji, Huangqi, Atractylodes macrocephala, Licorice, Ginger and Jujube, and is used to treat the "Fengshui" or rheumatism syndrome of superficial deficiency. This article follows the Key Information Verification Principles of Ancient Classical Famous Prescriptions to verify key information of Fangji Huangqi decoction in ancient and modern literature, including the origin and composition of prescriptions, compatibility composition, drug origin, dosage, decoction method, functional indications, etc. It is found that the ancient and modern compatibility composition, drug dosage and processing, decoction and administration methods of Fangji Huangqi decoction are basically based on those described in Synopsis of the Golden Chamber. The original dose of Fangji Huangqi decoction is converted to the modern dose of Huangqi 15 g, Fangji 12 g, Atractylodes macrocephala 6 g, and Licorice 9 g. Fangji Huangqi decoction has been included in the Catalogue of Ancient Classical Formulas (Second Batch) published by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2023. Doctors in different historical periods hold different opinions on the classic prescriptions, and made innovative modifications and optimization on the basis of the original prescription to deal with various diseases. It is widely used in the circulatory system (chronic heart failure, many kinds of kidney disease, cirrhosis ascites, etc.), exercise system (rheumatoid arthritis, etc.), and endocrine system (obesity, menopausal syndrome sweating, etc.).
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