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Research progress on the effects of processing on the chemical composition and pharmacological actions of Coptis chinensis

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Author: LIN Xiaodan 1 LIU Qiqi 1 Kuang Haixue 2 WANG Qiuhong 1, 2

Affiliation: 1. Guangdong Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center for Standardized Processing of Traditional Chinese Medicine Decoction Pieces, Guangdong Pharmaceutical University, Guangzhou 510006, China 2. Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Basic and Applied Research of Northern Medicine, Harbin 150040, China

Keywords: Coptis chinensis Processed products Process optimization Quality evaluation Chemical composition Efficacy Pharmacological actions Clinical application

DOI: 10.12173/j.issn.2097-4922.202411015

Reference: LIN Xiaodan, LIU Qiqi, Kuang Haixue, WANG Qiuhong.Research progress on the effects of processing on the chemical composition and pharmacological actions of Coptis chinensis[J].Yaoxue QianYan Zazhi,2024, 28(4):694-704.DOI:10.12173/j.issn.2097-4922.202411015. [Article in Chinese]

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Coptis chinensis is the dried rhizome of three species of Ranunculaceae, including Coptis chinensis, Coptis triangular leaves, and Coptis yunensis, which has medicinal value and can dispel dampness, relieve fire and treat dysentery. By consulting ancient books, Coptis chinensis can be processed into different processed products with different functions by using different auxiliary materials to adapt to different clinical conditions. For example, after being processed with ginger, Coptis chinensis becomes cold but not stagnant, thus enhancing its effect of stopping vomiting and dispersing liver and gallbladder fire; processed with Tetradium ruticarpum, Coptis chinensis can clear the damp heat in the layer and soothe the stomach and liver.A systematic review revealed that the 2020 version of the Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China and many local processing standards include the wine processed Coptidis, turmeric processed Copidis, and Yuhuanglian processed Copidis, while the bile processed Copidis is a recent research hotspot, and a more detailed summary of the bile processed Copidis is conducted in this paper. Due to the unclear indicative components and pharmacological action mechanisms of the various processed products of Coptis chinensis, the production and clinical application of these products are limited. This review summarizes and integrates the historical processing, process research, chemical component differences, and pharmacological effects of Coptis chinensis processed products to improve the quality evaluation system of these products and provide theoretical basis for elucidating their processing principles.

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